Our Services
360 Leadership
Transparent Leadership looks at every angle of your team and realizes that the foundation of every relationship and organization is a trust relationship. To trust, we have to be known. And to be known, we have to create an atmosphere that is safe. These can be two of the most difficult things to do in any organization, but when you do, there is a deeper level of commitment and ownership from your team. Let’s inspire, train, and monitor the process of 360 Leadership.
Communication & Speaking
Great communication can encourage your team and organization to take action, change, accept a challenge, and look to the future. That is the heart of each individually crafted to meet the challenges and goals of your team. Brice uses humor to draw his audience in and then applies truths and a message of hope that every person can walk away feeling encouraged and challenged. Brice has spoken worldwide in thousands of settings for different events. Whether it is a one-speaking engagement, 3 in one day, an event spread over a weekend, or multiple return trips to continue a theme, we would love to accept the challenge.
Systems & Environments
Systems of growth are vital. One of the common mistakes is that most systems are created too small and don’t have a long enough shelf life to maximize your results. The environments that your team works in and especially your customers enter in are vital to an overall value of excellence. What are your customers used to? What do they enjoy? How does your organization reflect these needs and values? Let me help you answer these questions and brainstorm ideas to give you an edge on your competitors.
Trainer & Coach
So this may be a new idea for you and your organization. The spiritual, mental, and physical welfare of your team is vital to your overall success. Unfortunately, most of your team does not have an outlet to share their hurts, pains, needs, and questions. Imagine someone coming in and building a relationship with your team and having a monthly time to come coach and encourage them in these areas, but also be on call 24/7 for emergencies that could cripple your team, but instead be used as a moment that you were able to give extra care and love in their biggest time of need.